
Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Get Rich Fast - Legally!
Thousands of people are Searching Google, MSN or Yahoo everyday for ways to get more money. The vast majority of these people I am sure, want to do it legally.
If you are one of these people, ask yourself this question--"What kind of person would I be if I was rich?"
Now, are you serious about becoming wealthy? Will you do whatever it takes? What if I told you that there is a technique that is not only Proven, but so Powerful that it works in 30 days or less? Are you interested? If you said yes, then there is one thing that you have to do in order for this technique to work. You must make a commitment, not to me but to yourself. Commit to do this simple exercise for 1 month--30 days, thats it. But I must warn you, you absolutely can not skip a day!
This method works as it builds up changes within you. If you skip a day, you have to start over, so please consider that before you start. If you can't promise yourself that you will follow through, then you might as well return to your life of lack and keep expecting something else to change!
Now, I want you to take a moment and write down answers to that Question I asked earlier. "What kind of a person would I be if I was rich?" . Don't write a novel, but I'll get you going by giving you a few examples. What kind of a House would you live in? What kind of a car would you drive? Who would you help, and how would you help them? What would this mean to your family, your children? Would you work? Would you vacation? Where would you go?
Think on each of these questions and build up a mental image in your mind. And that is what you are going to be doing for the next 30 days.
Now let's get down to the actual Method to How to Get Rich Fast.
Get a pen and a notebook, like those 120 page standard ruled ones that you find at the discount stores.

1. Write down a simple statement of what you want to happen-- Let me give you an example of how I used this very technique to make $300 a day with one of my businesses. The title page of my first 30 day notebook was "I now make $300 a day with I feel excited about my life and thrilled that I am helping other people achieve their goals as well.

Let's take a look at that statement in more depth. "I now make $300 a day". That was my objective, to make $300 a day with one of my websites. Notice I didn't say it as if it was going to happen, but I said it as if it already was happening. Now, I am going to talk like this from now on. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. I now make $300 a day with_____. Period. At the time I started this technique I was making $0 with this business and thinking about scrapping it. That's when I came across this method. And yes, I make a minimum of $300 a day with that website.
But how does this work? It's about building up an image and backing it up with a feeling. How do you feel when you make $Your Goal$? Do you feel relieved that you have no more stress, do you have more time to spend with your family. How does it feel to to be rich? Hold on to that FEELING for as long as you can.

2. Give Yourself Permission and be grateful Write this out, " I give myself permission to make $_______." "I am so thankful for my life and this income." Whatever it is, you are giving yourself permission to receive. Obviously being grateful is just as important and you need to write down a statement of gratitude as well for your new income.

3. This is the part that you should enjoy the most. Right now, you need to get in that picture. It's you making $______. Stay in there as long as you can. Be in that Car, Living and enjoying your life in that new house, being debt free. Going on that vacation. Write it out in detail. What does it feel like? What does it smell like? What are other people telling you, how do your children act?
Just stay in that Life for as long as possible. Try for at least five minutes a day to start. Continue to write, don't worry about grammar, punctuation or anything like that. The goal here is to stay in this new life for as long as you can, in as much detail as you can. I am guessing that this is not like anything that you've done before. At first it might seem a little odd or maybe even uncomfortable. But don't stop, just keep writing. Isn't it a wonderful experience to make $_____? Because now, you can do whatever you want.
Do you see what's happening here? The feeling that you are building up within you is the exact feeling that will occur when you are making $_____. THATS WHY IT WORKS!

4. Thank God for your new life this is similar to step 2 but is really important. Write out a statement like "Lord, I thank you for my income of $300 a day. I am so grateful for this gift and I thank you that I am using it for my good and the good of others."
That's it. Does it work? I have used it 3 times over the last 6 months and for me, it has worked every time! The best thing about this method is that you can use it for anything that you want. You can start small and work your way up if you like. Just visualize yourself having what it is you want, Stay in that Life for as Long as You Can, Experiencing and Loving Every Detail and Be Grateful for it.

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